For the love of music, the Music Guild of New Mexico supports, promotes, and encourages nonprofit musical organizations that will educate, enhance, engage, and enrich the quality of our New Mexico community, especially its youth.

Operating Guildlines


(Refer to Bylaws Article III)

  1. Active members shall support their membership through their commitment to volunteer service to the Guild and through payment of dues.
  2. Social, C-Note, and Lifetime members shall enjoy all the privileges of Active members and have the option of foregoing the fulfillment of service requirement.
  3. The title of Honorary Member shall carry with it none of the obligations of membership in the Guild, but shall entitle the holder to all of the privileges, except those of making motions, of voting, and of holding office. Unless otherwise designated, honorary membership shall have a term of one year, and dues for that year are waived.
  4. Honorary membership will be considered for those making substantial contributions to MGNM.
  5. MGNM Board members will make Honorary Member recommendations by the end of April and send them to the Secretary, who will distribute them to all voting Board members for consideration. Recommendations should include a brief statement explaining why the member(s) should be considered.
  6. MGNM Board members will discuss and vote on each Honorary Member recommendation at the May Board meeting.


(Refer to Bylaws Article IV)

  1. The Board shall act as custodian of all Guild property.
  2. Voting members of the Board shall sign the MGNM Conflict of Interest Policy Statement to be kept on file by the MGNM Secretary.
  3. The Board shall approve the budget and the Executive Board shall approve any expenditure not included in the budget exceeding $500. Two signatures are needed on checks written for over $2000.
  4. The Executive Board shall select the recipient of the Grace Note Award from nominations received from the Guild membership.
  5. Duties of the Board of Directors:
    1. The President/Co-Presidents shall:
      1. Preside as President at all meetings
      2. Be a voting member of the MGNM Board of Directors
      3. Sit on the Executive Board
      4. With the approval of the Executive Board,
        1. Establish committees to carry on Guild business.
        2. Execute and sign contracts.
      5. Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee, attending meetings as time permits.
      6. Prepare a monthly news report for dissemination via website, E-Blast, and/or mailings.
      7. Be a signatory on all Guild bank accounts
      8. Be responsible for initiating the selection process and presentation of the Grace Awards.
      9. Serve in the capacity of Advisor upon completion of the administrative term.
      10. Approve all Guild materials to be printed.
      11. Annually review and update the Operating Guidelines as necessary
      12. Monthly responsibilities are listed in the President’s Notebook.
      13. Submit the President’s Report no later than the Saturday prior to the Board Meeting.
      14. Pick up and disperse mail.
      15. Plan a Summer Board retreat with the newly elected Board.
  6. The President-Elect shall:
    1. Attend all MGNM Board and General Meetings and Luncheons
    2. Be a voting member of the MGNM Board of Directors
    3. Sit on the Executive Board
    4. Assume the office of the President at the end of her/his term as President-Elect.
    5. Assume the duties of the President in the absence of or at the request of the President.
    6. Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
    7. Chair the Fundraising Committee.
    8. Participate in budget development and monitor budget returns as submitted by the Treasurer on a monthly basis.
    9. On a regular basis, the President-Elect shall:
      1. Attend as many service projects or activities as possible (new member socials, 4th and 5th Grade concerts, Ball preparation, etc.).
      2. In March and April,
        1. Collect and tabulate votes for the Grace Note Award. Hold results until the President calls for them.
        2. Order Nambe (traditional) recognition plate for President – to be given at May Luncheon (Luz de Nambe has templates).
  7. The Treasurer shall:
    1. Attend MGNM Board Meetings and present the Treasurer’s Report at the meeting.
    2. Be a voting member of the MGNM Board of Directors
    3. Sit on the Executive Board
    4. Have custody of all monies and funds of the Operating Account of the Guild and shall endorse and deposit checks and other funds and make timely check, cash, PayPal, and credit card deposits.
    5. Be a signatory on all Guild accounts and complete a signature card for each account. Set up appointment with Guild President and Assistant Treasurer to sign account signature cards.
    6. Obtain all necessary insurance coverage as required.
    7. Provide the President, the Executive Board, and the Board with current financial information by submitting reports at monthly meetings or upon request of the President.
    8. Keep an accounting method as required by the accounting firm hired by the Guild.
    9. Pay invoices on proper authorization of the Executive Board. Expenditures shall not exceed amounts approved in the annual budget unless authorized by the Executive Board. All checks over $500.00 must have two authorized signatures, one being a President.
    10. In early July, obtain input from all standing committee chairs regarding expected expenditures. Meet with the Finance Committee consisting of the Immediate Past Treasurer (who serves as Chair), Immediate Past Assistant Treasurer, and Immediate Past President, together with the current Assistant Treasurer and President to prepare the annual budget for the following fiscal year for Board approval.
      1. Allocate a minimum of $10,000 each year through 2016 to the JMYAC Investment Savings Account.
      2. The account will be reviewed annually.
      3. In 2016, a committee will be formed to determine appropriate future investment vehicles to ensure the sustainability of the J. McGehee Young Artists’ Competition.
    11. Send acknowledgements of donations made to the Guild according to IRS regulations.
    12. Specific banking information and timelines are in the Treasurer’s and President’s Notebook
    13. Receive and process all membership applications and payments by check and/or PayPal.
    14. Forward all new and renewal membership information to the Data Manager on a timely basis.
  8. The Secretary shall:
    1. Attend MGNM Board and General
    2. Sit on the Finance Committee
    3. Coordinate the Past-Presidents annual social.
    4. Perform any duties as requested by the President.
    5. Communicate with grantees and educate the membership of their projects.
    6. Serve as chair of the Nominating Committee
      1. This committee shall carry out the duties as prescribed in the MGNM Bylaws, Article IV, Section 3.
      2. The nominating committee shall consist of a chair (the Immediate Past President) and five Guild members who shall be elected at the September regular meeting of the Guild.
      3. The Nominating Committee determines the nominees for the following year during regular committee meetings held prior to the March regular meeting. The Chair plans and schedules such meetings. Members of the Nominating Committee shall contact potential nominees to ensure they are willing to serve, if nominated.
      4. At least thirty days prior to the March regular meeting, the Nominating Committee shall submit to the membership, in writing, a slate of one or more candidates for the offices of President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, the Vice Presidents of Communication, Education, Membership, Grant Selection, JM Young Artists’ Competition, Señorita Ball, and the Señorita Program, and two Directors at Large.
      5. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the March regular meeting prior to the election, and such nominees shall be entered on the slate, providing their qualifications are given at the time of nomination, and provided they have consented to the nomination.
  9. The Vice-President of Communication shall:
    1. Attend MGNM Board and General Meetings and submit monthly reports no later than the Saturday prior to the Board Meeting. Reports will be in weekly E-blasts.
    2. Be a voting member of the MGNM Board of Directors
    3. Oversee all communication functions including, but not limited to, Public Relations and Marketing, Website Coordination, Information Technology, and News Dissemination (E-blasts, postcards, calendar and/or newsletters) and recruit new members as needed.
    4. Obtain approval from the President PRIOR to mailing, printing, or posting any written Guild materials (letters, ads, E-blasts, Keynotes, etc.).
    5. Be responsible for collecting all year-end committee reports and forwarding those along with her/his own to the Board Secretary.
    6. Perform any duties as requested by the President with Executive Board approval.
    7. Assist with the public relations needs of Guild officers and Ball Chair upon request.
    8. Publish Newsletters (Keynotes & E-blasts)
      1. Publish Keynotes Quarterly by the 15th of the month (July, October, January, April)
      2. E-Blast weekly
      3. Oversee the WebManager who shall:
        1. Attend MGNM Board and General Meetings and submit monthly reports to the Board.
        2. Update the MGNM website:
        3. Change email addresses for members taking new positions
        4. Administer or find a member to administer/monitor/update FaceBook
        5. Send E-Blasts as needed on Fridays of each week
          1. Information for E-Blasts must be sent to the WebManager no later than Wednesday to be included in Friday’s E-Blast.
          2. E-Blasts must be concise (brief but comprehensive).
          3. E-Blasts may include:
            1. links to the MGNM newsletter,
            2. Keynotes news articles
            3. MGNM event announcements and invitations
            4. requests for volunteers
            5. memorial announcements for members and their spouses/partners
            6. E-Blasts may not advertise events unless MGNM is sponsoring or involved in some way.
            7. E-Blasts may not include editorials.
  10. The Vice-President of Education shall:
    1. Attend MGNM Board and General Meetings and submit monthly reports for all education committees no later than the Saturday prior to the Board Meeting.Reports will be in weekly E-blasts
    2. Be a voting member of the MGNM Board of Directors
    3. Oversee all educational activities including, but not limited to, Peter and the Wolf (P/W) presentations, Concerts for Young People (4th& 5th Grade APS Students) and the instrument petting zoo (storage and maintenance).
    4. Obtain approval from the President PRIOR to mailing, printing, or posting any written Guild materials (letters, ads, E-blasts, etc.).
    5. Perform any duties as assigned by the President with Executive Board approval.
    6. Be responsible for collecting all year-end committee reports and forwarding those along with her/his own to the Board Secretary.
    7. Fill all positions for the coming year’s programs:
      1. P/W Quadrant Chair (two – one for fall and one for spring semester)
      2. Popejoy Concerts Chair (two – one for fall and one for spring semester)
  11. The Vice-Presidentof Grant Selection shall:
    1. Attend MGNM Board and General Meetings and submit monthly reports no later than the Saturday prior to the Board Meeting. Reports will be in weekly E-blasts.
    2. Be a voting member of the MGNM Board of Directors
    3. Oversee a committee of nine (president is non-voting/tie-breaking member). Eight members will serve for two years, staggered terms. Each year the Grant Selection VP will select four new members as four end their terms. Four members will rotate out of the committee every year. Members whose terms have ended may reapply after four years.
    4. Obtain approval from the President PRIOR to mailing, printing, or posting any written Guild materials (letters, ads, E-blasts, etc.).
    5. Fully disclose any potential conflicts of interest prior to being selected to serve on this committee.
    6. Sign the MGNM Conflict of Interest Policy Statement and have all members of the Grant Selection Committee sign. The signed statements will be given to the MGNM Secretary to keep on file.
    7. Oversee all activities of the Grant Selection Program including, but not limited to: receiving, reviewing, and disseminating grant applications.
    8. Be responsible for forwarding all year-end committee reports to the Board Secretary.
    9. Perform any duties as requested by the President with Executive Board approval.
    10. Be responsible for collecting all year-end committee reports and forwarding those along with her/his own to the Board Secretary.
  12. The Vice-President of the Jackie McGehee Young Artists’ Competition shall:
    1. Attend MGNM Board and General Meetings and submit monthly reports no later than the Saturday prior to the Board Meeting. Reports will be in weekly E-blasts.
    2. Be a voting member of the MGNM Board of Directors
    3. Oversee all planning and execution of the Jackie McGehee Young Artists’ Competition (JMYAC), including but not limited to, finding a venue, coordinating all judges and volunteers, reviewing all applications, advertising, press releases and underwriting.
    4. Negotiate contracts for venue, piano rentals (if necessary), and concerts for winners.
    5. Obtain approval from the President PRIOR to mailing, printing, or posting any written Guild materials (letters, ads, EBlasts, etc.).
    6. Perform any duties as assigned by the President with Executive Board approval.
    7. Be responsible for submitting reports for all committees at General Membership meetings.
    8. Be responsible for collecting all year-end committee reports and forwarding those along with her/his own to the Board Secretary.
    9. Fill all positions for the coming year’s program including, but not limited to Judge Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator and Hospitality.
  13. The Vice-President of Membership shall:
    1. Attend MGNM Board and General Meetings and submit monthly reports no later than the Saturday prior to the Board Meeting. Monthly reports to contain Membership status, events and current/future activities of the committee.
    2. Be a voting member of the MGNM Board of Directors
    3. Coordinate all membership events including the recruitment of new members coordinate with Master Calendar.
    4. Oversee all membership committees including, but not limited to, Social Events and Hospitality and Volunteer Coordinator.
    5. Obtain approval from the President PRIOR to mailing, printing, or posting any written Guild materials (letters, ads, EBlasts, etc.).
    6. Perform any duties as requested by the President with Executive Board approval.
    7. Be responsible for reporting General Membership meetings for each committee for which s/he serves as advisor.
    8. Be responsible for collecting all year-end committee reports and forwarding those along with her/his own to the Board Secretary.
    9. In June, with committee members and other MGNM volunteers as needed, prepare membership materials for mailing (fold, stuff, and address envelopes) by the middle of June.
    10. Ensure that welcome and thank you emails are sent to all new and renewing members (check with the Data Manager)
    11. Have the Membership Directory ready to post online and mail prior to the September luncheon. Take the Directories to the September luncheon to distribute to members. After the luncheon, mail remaining Directories to members who requested printed copies.
    12. With Social Events Committee members and other MGNM volunteers as needed, plan membership meetings and luncheons for the year. The luncheons will include a Fall Luncheon, Holiday Luncheon, Spring Luncheon and May Luncheon and must be scheduled AFTER the monthly Board Meeting.
    13. Make reservations where all meetings luncheons take place. Arrange menu and determine luncheon price as early as possible.
    14. Design, print and mail the meeting/luncheon invitations, track RSVP’s, and collect money. Deliver checks to the Treasurer.
    15. Attend luncheons, check in and provide nametags for members, solicit door prizes/raffle items, and arrange fashion show if desired.
    16. Prepare monthly reports for Board of Directors on Social Committee events and current/future activities of committee and submit them to the Vice President of Membership.
    17. May select Social Event Chair to coordinate new member social and member socials.
  14. The Vice-President of the Señorita Ball shall:
    1. Attend MGNM Board and General Meetings and submit monthly reports no later than the Saturday prior to the Board Meeting. Reports will be in weekly E-blasts.
    2. Be a voting member of the MGNM Board of Directors
    3. Oversee all planning and execution of the Señorita Ball, including but not limited to, the Ball Auction, Treasure Chest or Raffle, ticketing and reservations, advertising, underwriting, decorating, food, and seating.
    4. Negotiate contracts for venue, band, audio/video, etc.
    5. Obtain approval from the President PRIOR to mailing, printing, or posting any written Guild materials (letters, ads, E-blasts, etc.).
    6. Perform any duties as requested by the President with Executive Board approval.
    7. Be responsible for collecting all year-end committee reports and forwarding those along with her/his own to the Board Secretary.
  15. The Vice-President of the Señorita Program shall:
    1. Attend MGNM Board and General Meetings and submit monthly reports for all committees (including reports from the Junior Señorita and Future Señorita Chairs) to the Board no later than the Saturday prior to the Board meeting. Reports will be in weekly E-blasts.
    2. Be a voting member of the MGNM Board of Directors
    3. Oversee all Señorita, Future Señoritas, and Señorita-related programs, including, but not limited to Presentation, Auntie Mames, Señorita Activities, Acompañantes, and Señorita Evaluation. Descriptions of all Chair positions are listed in the VP Señorita Notebook and in the President’s Notebook.
    4. Obtain approval from the President PRIOR to mailing, printing, or posting any written Guild materials (letters, ads, E-blasts, etc.).
    5. Serve as the Señorita Ball liaison to the Señorita Program.
    6. Communicate with the Guild President and Board throughout the year regarding the progress of the program.
    7. Be responsible for collecting all year-end committee reports and forwarding those along with her/his own to the Board Secretary.
  16. Directors at Large shall:
    1. Be enthusiastic supporters of the guild and its mission and be willing to assume future roles as leaders in the organization and assist Social Events Chair.
    2. Be voting members of the MGNM Board of Directors.
    3. Perform any duties as requested by the President with Executive Board approval.
  17. Non-Director Duties
    1. Assistant Treasurer shall:
      1. Work closely with the Treasurer to ensure continuity and uniformity of recordkeeping using the Quick Books accounting system.
      2. Be a signatory on all Guild bank accounts.
      3. Assist the Treasurer upon request.
      4. Be responsible for the collection and recording of reservations for the Señorita Ball, forwarding monies collected to the Treasurer for deposit and recording all reservations paid by credit card or PayPal as informed by the Treasurer.
      5. Work with the Señorita Ball Chair prior to and during the Señorita Ball to ensure financial planning and accounting accuracy of the ticket reservations and the auction proceeds.
      6. At the end of the administrative term (May 31st), the Assistant Treasurer will work with the Treasurer to close the financial books for the fiscal year and prepare necessary year-end reports.
      7. On June 1st, the Assistant Treasurer may assume the position of Treasurer for the next administrative term.
    2. The Strategic Planning Chair shall:
      1. Be appointed by the President.
      2. Work with a committee to review and update plans for sustainability, viability, and program development for presentation to the Board at least once each year.
      3. Perform any duties as requested by the President with Executive Board approval.
      4. Be responsible for collecting all year-end committee reports and forwarding those along with her/his own to the Board Secretary.
    3. The Parliamentary Advisor (Parliamentarian) shall:
      1. Serve as an advisor to the President and the Board on matters relating to Parliamentary Procedure.
      2. Attend Board meetings as a non-voting member.
      3. Have access to the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
    4. The Compliance Officer shall:
      1. Be appointed by the President for multiple terms.
      2. Keep track of all required registrations and legal filings for the Guild, including the annual non-profit COROS registration with the New Mexico Attorney General's Office, due November 30; and the annual corporate report for the New Mexico State Department, due October 15.
      3. Appoint a minimum of two members, non-officers, to perform the annual audit of the financial records and oversee the performance of said audit.
      4. Maintain the corporate notebook and all requisite documents.